Solved: PNP Detected Fatal Error on Windows 10/11? 7 Fixes

pnp detected fatal error

PNP DETECTED FATAL ERROR is a blue screen of death error and appears when a serious problem is detected with the PNP (Plug and Play) subsystem.

The PNP (Plug and Play) subsystem is liable for handling the system hardware devices as well as drivers on the Windows system.

But when these hardware devices or drivers encounter any issue or corruption it shows the blue screen with the stop code and stops you from performing anything.

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Your PC Ran into a Problem and Needs to Restart? FIXED Permanently

Your PC Ran into a Problem and Needs to Restart Error

Troubled with the “Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart” is an irritating blue screen of death (BSOD) error that appears all of a sudden while working on the PC due to various Windows internal problems.

The error is commonly seen upon booting Windows PC or sometimes while working or playing games on a PC, and in some cases, it even gets worse and causes a restart boot loop.

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Video Scheduler Internal Error: 6 Expert Fixes

video scheduler internal error

Seeing the unexpected blue screen of death with the cryptic  VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR stop code message while booting your Windows system or running any program, or games or during shutting down, then this article is for you.

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Kernel Check Security Failure Windows 10? 9 Quick Fixes

Kernel Security Check Failure

While booting your Windows 10 operating system see the error message stop code: Kernel Security Check Failure with a blue screen and unable to perform any task, then this article is for you.

The error message is an indication that your Windows 10 operating system is facing some sort of corruption.

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Driver Power State Failure Windows 11? [9 Tested Solutions]

driver power state failure

While booting your Windows PC stuck with the dreaded blue screen with the error code Driver Power State Failure on your Windows system, then you are not alone.

Blue screens of death errors appear when the Windows system encounters a serious internal issue and unexpectedly reboots to fix the problem but fails with a stop code driver power state failure error message.

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Getting NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD Error? Here’s 5 Quick Fixes

ntfs file system error

While booting up your system seeing the blue screen error with the error message NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error and unable to boot your Windows PC then this article is for you.

Many users confirmed that upon rebooting they are still welcomed with this tricky BSOD error and unable to operate their Windows PC.

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Getting WHEA UNCORRECTABLE Error? Here’s 5 Working Fixes


The WHEA uncorrectable error is a cryptic blue screen error popup after an unexpected Windows crash. The blue screen error also known as stop code is a result of the unexpected demise of the Windows system.

If you also see the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR with a stop Error Code 0x00000124 on your Windows system, then this article is for you.

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8 Fixes “Kernel Data Inpage Error” in Windows 11/10

kernel data inpage error

The Kernel Data Inpage Error is triggered when the kernel data requested paging file from the hard drive gets corrupted. The frequent process of reading and writing the internal memory causes the Windows to unexpectedly restart and show the BSOD error.

The blue screen is accompanied by the KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR error message which means that your system is dealing with a major problem and needs to be fixed ASAP.

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You may face the WFP_INVALID_OPERATION Blue Screen error on the screen especially when you play certain games on your PC. The Blue screen error rises up vigorously on your Windows 10 and 11 PC with many evaluating codes and one such error code is 0x000001D3.

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Did you ever come across a message reading DRIVER INVALID STACK ACCESS Blue Screen? This is commonly known as BSOD or the Blue Screen of Death error on a Windows System.

And the error message presents itself with a short message “The DRIVER_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS bug check has a value of 0x000000DC. This indicates that a driver accessed a stack address that lies below the stack pointer of the stack’s thread.”

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